Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pappa's Commencement

Although considerably after the fact, Dan wanted to get some closure from his three years of going back to school. He earned his Master of Science in Computer Science degree last August and received the actual diploma in the mail several months later, but couldn't attend a commencement ceremony until this Spring. This blog entry depicts the event in pictures. Part of the purpose for posting this entry is to establish a basis for using the new title "Master Dan". To date, Lori has not been very enthusiastic about using this new title. Perhaps if the suggestion is made to a larger audience and becomes more commonplace, Lori might be encouraged to start using it too. This is Dan's first blog entry and may seem a little amateurish, but even guys with a masters degree have to start humbly, right?

Getting suited up in the parking lot.

Ready for showtime. (except for the goofy hat!)

Posing with his mom after the ceremony.

This is a shot of the "hood". The colors represent the college of computer science.

Sharing the limelight with Lori. She is not too pleased with this shot, but Dan thinks she is pretty hot.

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